“I love you” is a powerful phrase that can be expressed in many different languages. In Spanish, the phrase “I love you” is “Te quiero” or “Te amo” depending on the context and level of familiarity with the person. However, when someone else says “I love you” to you, the appropriate response would be “Yo también te quiero” or “Yo también te amo” which means “I love you too.”

It is important to note that “te quiero” is considered a more casual way of expressing love, it is often used among friends and family. While “te amo” is a more serious and deep way of expressing love, it is often used among romantic partners.

Another way to say “I love you too” in Spanish is “Te adoro” which means “I adore you.” This phrase can also be used to express love and affection to someone close to you.

It’s also worth noting that there are other words and phrases that express love and affection in Spanish. Some examples include:

"Te extraño" which means "I miss you."
"Eres mi vida" which means "You are my life."
"Eres todo para mí" which means "You are everything to me."

In addition to learning how to say “I love you too” in Spanish, it’s also important to learn how to say “I’m sorry” and “Thank you” as well as other basic phrases to be able to communicate and express oneself effectively in Spanish speaking countries.

In conclusion, “I love you too” in Spanish can be translated to “Yo también te quiero” or “Yo también te amo” depending on the context and level of familiarity with the person. There are also other phrases that can be used to express love and affection in Spanish, such as “Te adoro” and “Te extraño” which are equally important to know. Learning the basics of a language and being able to express oneself effectively is an important part of communicating with people from different cultures and backgrounds.